What is the agency fee?
We pay 1/3 of the commission after closing any trade of your referral.
Excuse me, but how much will it be?
On average, with a volume of 100,000 of the base currency, which can be displayed as 1 lot, the commission is
is $ 3. Those. The partner gets 1 $.
When is the agency commission charged? Once a day / week / month?
The commission is charged instantly after the transaction is closed.
What if my referral got a loss?
No matter. 1/3 of the commission regardless of whether the trade was profitable or unprofitable.
I can receive referral reward from all my referrals to one account or I need
get a lot of different ones?
All agency commission will be credited to one dollar account. It doesn't matter at all
how many referrals you have and what types of accounts the referrals trade on.
For me, as a partner, what account should I open?
Upon registration, the first dollar bill is automatically added. On this score everyone goes
agency credits.
How can you use a referral link?
You can place your link anywhere - on a blog, on a forum, on your website. The one
whoever clicks on it gets to our site, and in the cookies of his browser (special files that store
information) records your agency number. As soon as he starts an account, the browser
checks if there is an agent number in the cookies. If there is, it transfers it to our system, and
the person becomes your referral.
How long can it take from the moment the user followed my link and opened
Cookies are stored indefinitely.
Those. time is absolutely unlimited?
Not certainly in that way. Cookies are deleted when the system is reinstalled and the user can delete
them forcibly. In general, we can talk about the average life of cookies during
four months.
Where can I post my referral link?
Wherever. On your website, on the forum, send friends in ICQ or in a letter.
Is spam allowed?
Spam is strictly prohibited. If there are complaints about you and the fact of spam
confirmed, you will be excluded from our agents.